One of the most lucrative forms of football betting website betting has to be that of the football betting website เว็บแทงบอล. It’s a bet that’s been around in some form for decades now but first started back in 1923 when it was known as The Pools. In fact, you can still place very similar bets even today, more of which we talk about later in the article.
The attraction of football betting website coupons are the massive rewards for very little outlay. You can place a bet with just a couple of pounds and win hundreds, if not thousands with some bets. It’s high variance betting at its finest, but it’s also a bet that a lot of people can relate and have access to.
If you are familiar with high street betting, then it’s likely that you are aware of the football betting website coupons that you can get on a daily basis. Well, the same can be applied to the online sector, except the range of coupons that you can get online compared to the high street is huge.
What Are Coupons And How Do They Work?
For those that don’t know, a coupon is basically a long list of games and results that you can choose from. They often cover games from several leagues that are based all over the world and can contain upwards of 50 games.
As a punter you need to select a number of games from the coupon to create what is essentially an accumulator bet. The more games that you pick, the higher the odds, but also the greater the risk.
football betting website coupons can be set as fixed price, or they can go off the current price for that bet. For example, a popular online coupon these days is that of Goals Galore, which is published by Betfred. The bookmaker provides a huge list of games each day and the punter selects whether both teams will score in that game or not.
The odds for the selections are fixed and the more you add the more your fixed price increases. So, 3 games might be 3.00, 4 games might be 5.00, 6 games might be 10.00, and so on.
Other coupons might have flexible prices, and these tend to be match result coupons more often than not. With these you are able to choose either home win, away win, or draw. Each result will be priced in the morning, and then your coupon will be made into was is essentially an accumulator depending on the results you include.
Either way, it’s worth remembering that for all coupons you need to get every selection correct. If you lose just one of the picks then the whole bet loses. This is why they are an exciting bet but also one that can be hard to call given that football betting website can be so unpredictable.
Types Of Online Coupons Available
The number of different types of coupons that you can now find online is vast. There was a time when it was just one or two pretty basic options to choose from, but that’s not the case today. Here is a list of some of the more popular football betting website coupons.
The Pools is the oldest form of football betting website coupon and as mentioned earlier, it has been running since 1923. The format used to work by being posted out to people and then returned, before door to door salespeople started collecting the bets, but these days you can just play it online.
There aren’t an awful lot of ways that you can play The Pools aside from via the actual website, but there are plenty of variations that are pretty much the same, just branded slightly differently.
For this you will have a sheet of 49 games to choose from. If you are in the แทงบอล, then these games are usually a mix of English and Scottish football betting website leagues. They tend to be most popular on a Saturday when there are a larger number of games to choose from, but as you can now play them online you can get them pretty much every day.
From the 49 games, you then need to pick 10 that you think will end as a score draw. When the games have finished you get points for how close you were to the correct result. The points are as follows:
- 3 points for a correct score draw
- 2 points for a no score draw
- 1 point for a home or away win
From this, your 8 best scores are taken and then the points added together. If you score 22, 23 or 24 points overall then you will likely be up for a cash prize. However, if you get 9 correct score draws from your 10 picks then you will be eligible to win the jackpot, which is often over £1million. Cash prizes are divided based on the amount in the pot and the number of winners.