Before the regular day of school teachers are faced with the prospect that their students will learn the skills to prepare and apply themselves to school successfully. This is particularly true in the context of physical education. The world has changed very dramatically over the last forty years; one in particular – the increasing numbers of computers and the internet has also been a huge challenge for teachers. Here are some simple but practical steps that parents can take to ensure that their children are prepared for school.
As has already been clearly indicated, the world has changed dramatically in the last forty years. For many children this will also mean a dramatic change. Time management and study skills are likely to be challenged – quite possibly detrimental to children if they are not taught at a young age. Additionally, many children develop their sense of individuality. As such – it may be that children enter school carrying a lot of homework. It may be that they see no need to study and do nothing. It is therefore essential that kids develop good study skills and that they take a proper part in the learning process on the school premises.
Here are some important steps that parents can take to ensure that children prepare themselves for school.
Developing good study skills starts with parents looking at the home environment. In the United States and Britain it is widely acknowledged that parents should not shout at their kids in public. If parents don’t treat their children with consideration then parents will find themselves at the school with parents that are well offline.
After parents have assessed the home environment then they should put great focus on encouraging good study skills as children develop. They should create a study area, encourage children to study whenever they are home and make sure that adequate time is set aside for studying. Fortunately, there are many readily available study aids today and parents can get their children access to them via the internet and the library.
Parents should also invest in good study aids either by getting them home or, alternatively, in the library. The internet is a good place to start as it is full of free materials that parents can use. Course books from many educational sources are also free. It is also important to encourage your children to sign up to study periods and study techniques such as study skills, reading, calculator skills etc.
Finally, begin to think about the social life of your children after they have left home. Many parents find it hard to believe but children do mature at their own pace. For a lot of children the first big social challenge after they have left home is making friends and finding a way to relate to other children. Most children will hook up with other kids without parents even realising it. On the other hand as soon as your kids begin to interact with other parents, they will want parents and friends. To combat this it is a good idea to start playing groups that encourage children to interact and work together.
Once your children are ready for school it is important that they develop good study skills by a lot of practice. This includes reading daily, writing regularly and math and science. Taking your children to the NCA (National Curriculum Activity) is a good idea and it will also help them to get ready for school and other extra-curricular activities.