The Smartscoot Portable Travel Mobility Scooter

Are you trying to find a mobility scooter that can be taken on airplanes, is incredibly light, and is portable? How about one that has a tiny turning radius to make it simple to pass past crowds or around corners? So, you now have the perfect solution.

There is now a folding travel scooter called the Smartscoot! For trips, vacations, and everything in between, this quirky scooter is perfect. For more on our best foldable power wheelchairs visit Everlasting Mobility.

With this portable, lightweight travel scooter, you can go further because of its strong design, long-lasting battery, and high weight capacity. The SmartScoot is the perfect traveling buddy, whether you’re visiting friends and family or the grocery store.

One of the lightest scooters in its class, the SmartScoot weighs little under 40 lbs. Taking the seat out reduces the weight to just 27 lbs. This scooter can be folded and unfolded in just three simple steps thanks to the Fold N LockTM Technology. Almost all automobile trunks, as well as those of all SUVs, trucks, and vans, can accommodate this compact, folding mobility scooter.

The 288 Watt Li-ion battery in the SmartScoot has a range of up to 12 miles and a top speed of 7 mph, and it is FAA approved for secure air travel. You can be certain that with this pace, you’ll arrive at the airport on schedule. When you reach your location, your SmartScoot will be there to greet you at the gate.

This scooter’s sturdy, 300-pound-capable stainless steel frame is made to last. To accommodate your carry-on or briefcase, the SmartScoot includes a collapsible front basket and a retractable luggage bar.

For increased safety, the SmartScoot has a parking brake, disc brake, LED headlight, and horn. Three speed options, forward and reverse, as well as a battery strength indication, are all included on the user-friendly control panel.

Regulations vary depending on the airline. Before flying, check with your airline.

Everlasting Mobility is the number one online seller for all terrain power wheelchairs. With excellent customer support, no sales tax, FREE Shipping and financing, we offer the best in web pricing.

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